pull off 有没有“迷倒众人”的意思?With their remarkable good look,they could have worn dishrags and pull it off.字典里找到pull off在这句里最贴切的解释是:使成功,但解释不了使什么成功;off 有没有“把众人推倒”——倾倒众生的意思?


pull off 有没有“迷倒众人”的意思?
With their remarkable good look,they could have worn dishrags and pull it off.
字典里找到pull off在这句里最贴切的解释是:使成功,但解释不了使什么成功;
off 有没有“把众人推倒”——倾倒众生的意思?

pull off1. 拿掉;拉开(某人或某物);扯下;撕开;剥掉例句: These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.这些淘气的孩子把所有玫瑰花蕾都摘掉了.2. 把(机动车)开到路旁停车处(或路边);把(车、船等)开离...