More women staying at home will increase the unemployment rate.这句话里staying at home的用法求辅导


More women staying at home will increase the unemployment rate.这句话里staying at home的用法求辅导
staying at home是不是可以和who stay at home随意互换啊?也就是,分词(作定语还是引导定语?怎么说我不太清楚啦)和定语从句可以随意转换互换?是不是这样?有没有这种说法?
More women beated by their husbands will increase the unemployment rate.
beated by their husbands=who are beated by their husbands?是不是这样?有没有这种说法?分词短语可以和定语从句互换?

你的理解是对的.分词短语可以和定语从句互换.转换的方法常常是:1、增加主语(即关系代词who/which/that);2、分词是“非谓语动词”的一种,要将它改为谓语动词.在你所给的例句中:staying是现在分词,staying at hom...