Do you want a friend to whom you could tell everything能不能把to去掉,求讲解.


Do you want a friend to whom you could tell everything能不能把to去掉,求讲解.
把to去掉,用法tell sb.sth.的用法,不用tell sb.
One should have a friend whom you can tell everything 在教参上是错句,为什么.

tell sb. sth,tell sth. to sb的区别在词序,不用to,sb一定在tell与sth之间, whom 能放在 tell everything之间么whom不是宾格吗,为什么不能.这个句子whom做引导从句的关系代词,位置已经固定,你能随意移动?请问如果用 tell sb. sth. 的话,这个句子应该怎么说.不存在那说法