Do you want a friend to whom you could tell everything这个语序怎么去理解~总感觉别扭,


Do you want a friend to whom you could tell everything这个语序怎么去理解~总感觉别扭,

这句是一个定语从句,主句为Do you want a friend.先行词为a friend.从句为to whom you could tell everything.
而tell 的用法为tell sb sth 和tell sth to sb,此句中用的是tell 的第二种用法,而介词to 提前了,引导词指能用whom还有一句类似的:he is a person with whom I stayed for 3dayd怎么去想?he is a person with whom I stayed for 3days同样道理此为定语从句 从句为with whom I stayed for 3 days,stay with sb 是与某人一起,原句中介词 with 提前了而已