

time,sometimes the time just slips away
and you're left with yesterday
left with the memories
i,i'll always think of you and smile
and be happy for the time i had you with me
though we go out separate ways
i won't forget so don't forget
the memories we've made
please remember
please remember
when i was there for you
and you were there for me
please remember
our time together
when time was yours adn mine
and we were wild and free
please remember please remember me
good-bye,there's just no sadder word to say
and it's sad to walk away
with just the memories
who's to know what might have been
we leave behind a life and time
we'll never know again
please remember
please remember
when i was there for you
and you were there for me
and remember please remember me
please remember
please remember
when i was there for you
and you were there for me
please remember our time together
when time was yours and mine
and we were wild and free
then remember please remember me
and how we laughed
and how we smiled
and how this world was yours adn mine
and how no dream was out of reach
i stodd by you,you stood by me
we took each day and made it shine
we wrote our names across the sky
we ran so fast we rans so free
and i had you and you had me
please remember

时间,有时只是时间流逝的时间 而你留下了昨天 留下的记忆 我,我会永远想你的微笑 并高兴的时候,我拥有了你和我 虽然我们出去分道扬镳 我不会忘记,所以不要忘记 我们所做的记忆 请记住 请记住 当我在那里为你 和你在...