

1 我好像在哪里见过你,你是本地人吗?/ 你是外地人吗?
2 我以前应该是见过那个女孩的,只是不记得她的名字了.
3 你看起来很面熟啊?我想不起来在哪里见过你了.
4 我和她不熟悉,我是第一次见她.
5 我们刚刚认识,正在互相了解中.
【 我以前应该是见过那个女孩的。】 我查了下。
might have done 也是可以的吧。表示过去有可能发生过的事情。
could have done 怎样?有过去推测的意思么?

1.I seem to have met you before,are you local / are you from out of town?
2.I should have seen that girl before,it's just that I couldn't remember her name.
3.You look familiar,I can't recall where I might have met you.
4.I am not familiar with her,this is the first time I've seen her.
5.We just met and we are trying to get to know each other.лл���æ���ڶ��� should have seen.should have done �DZ�ʾ��Ӧ�����ģ�����û������ ������Ա�ʾ ��ȷ��ô �Ƿ����Ǹ�Ů���ǰɡ�лл ���� couldn't remember....��ʾ�ǹ�ȥ���ǵðɡ���could ��Ϊ��̬���ʣ�ֻ���������ί�񣬺�ʱ̬�޹ء� should have seen, should have met ͬ��Ҳ���ڱ���д��š�Ӧ�õ���ȷ�����������������еľ�ʽҲ�޹ء� ���䲿�֣� might have Ҳ���ã����"����Ӧ���С���������could have û�й�ȥ�Ʋ����˼�������������˵�� I could have met her before �������� but ��ת�������������˼�ǣ��ҡ������п��ܣ���ᣩ�� ����ģ����ǡ�������