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the date for 日期the date of ……的日期����1.But the date for doing so seems elastic. �������һԸ������ڿ��������е��Եġ�2.The date for the visit will be decided through diplomatic channels.���ʵ����ڽ�ͨ���⽻;���̶���1.He declined to comment further on the date of any decision.��ܾ�������������������һ�������ۡ�2.Kevin Kelly once explained how to calculate the date of your death. ���Ŀ����������μ������������ڡ�the date of����������the date for ���ǡ�������������Ϊ��of �ǡ������ġ�����for �ǡ�����Ϊ���������ǽ��