

Dear Aunt Alice,
I am not happy because my mother is too strict with me.I have to get up at 6:00 ,have breakfast at 6:20 .After school ,I can't play with my friends because I have to do my homework .after supper ,before I want to listen to music ,I have to walk the dog .I can't watch TV on school nights because I have to go to bed early .before I go to bed,I have to do some listening practice.It's really have any fun.Can you help me?
Lonely kid
This is a letter ____ Lonely kid to Aunt Alice.In the letter,the kid complains he has too many ____ at home .He has to get up ____ and then has breakfast.After school he has to do his homework ___ and then walk the dog.Before ___to bed ,he has to do some listening practice .He doesn't like these rules.

from rules early first going