读句子,根据课文内容填空.1、A baby ( ) and ( ) a lot.2、A young child ( ) when he is about three years old.3、A baby learns to ( ) when he is about one year old.4、A young child ( ) when he is about six years old.5、A teenager went to secondary school when he is about ( ) years old.可是我们课文里也没有,所以我才提问的,而且题也没有短文。这是刚刚大概翻译的1、婴儿()和()很多。2、年幼的孩子()时,他是三岁左右。3、婴儿学会()当他一岁左右。4、年幼的孩子()时,他是六岁左右。5、青少年去中学当他关于()岁。


1、A baby ( ) and ( ) a lot.
2、A young child ( ) when he is about three years old.
3、A baby learns to ( ) when he is about one year old.
4、A young child ( ) when he is about six years old.
5、A teenager went to secondary school when he is about ( ) years old.

1、A baby ( cries ) and ( eats ) a lot.
2、A young child ( can speak ) when he is about three years old.
3、A baby learns to ( walk ) when he is about one year old.
4、A young child ( goest to school ) when he is about six years old.
5、A teenager went to secondary school when he is about ( 12 ) years old.

1、A baby ( cries ) and ( eats ) a lot. 婴儿爱哭,爱吃。
2、A young child ( can speak ) when he is about three years old. 三岁的孩子会说话了。
3、A baby learns to ( walk ) when he is about one year old. 一岁的孩子学走路。
4、A young child ( goest to school ) when he is about six years old. 六岁的孩子上学了。
5、A teenager went to secondary school when he is about ( 12 ) years old. 当孩子12岁时,该上初中了。

你的题目是根据课文内容填空,但是你没把课文发上来呀,怎么回答呀请以追问的形式把课文内容发上来,问题补充:可是我们课文里也没有,所以我才提问的,而且题也没有短文.那我给你答了吧1、A baby ( cries ) and ( eats )...

没有短文 怎么答