用所给动词的适当形式填空?1.I _____aLready______(firiish) my work?


用所给动词的适当形式填空?1.I _____aLready______(firiish) my work?
1.I _____already______(firiish) my work?
2.she________jast_________(wash)the dathes hasn.
3._________he________(cook)his break fash by himself?-YES,he has.
4.________you ever _________(eat)fish and chips?
5.I__________ never (spedk) to a japanese.
6.-__________the train________(arrive)?-YES ithas.
7.I with my frie nas _______(have) a pavty at this time ye sterday.
8.I_________(leand)her some CDs the day before yesterday.but she_______(not give)the back to me yet.
9.His father _________(aie)for 2 mon ths 10 I_______(buy)it for 3

1.have finished
2.has washed
3.has cooked
4.have eaten
5.have spoken
6.has arrived
7.was having
8.lent ...hasn't given
9.has been dead
10.have had(表示的是因为买了而拥有,强调的是拥有的持续时间.
have bought表示买这个动作,强调“买了”.EX:I have had a car since 1999(我自1999年就有了一辆车)表示一段拥有时间.
I have bought a car(我买了一辆车)这里不能接一段时间!因为买东西是个短暂的动作,你不可能持续买东西交钱这个动作从1999一直交到今天~)