用所给词的适当形式填空.1.She was_____that her little bady could do something______to_______her(sur-prise)2.My cousin______(borrow) my things without ______(give) them back last year.3.She looks_________.do you know what he_______about(worry)?4.look some______ ________ to serve you now(wait)5.___________(copy)others'homework is wrong,if you don't stop,others_____(trust)you any more.


用所给词的适当形式填空.1.She was_____that her little bady could do something
2.My cousin______(borrow) my things without ______(give) them back last year.
3.She looks_________.do you know what he_______about(worry)?
4.look some______ ________ to serve you now(wait)
5.___________(copy)others'homework is wrong,if you don't stop,others_____(trust)you any more.

1 She was (surprised) that her little bady could do something (surprising) to (surprise) her.
2.My cousin (borrowed) my things without (giving) them back last year.
3.She looks (worried). Do you know what she (is worrying) about?
4.Look, some (waiters're waiting) to serve you now.
5.(Copying)others' homework is wrong. If you don't stop,others (distrust)you any more.