1.the story the three bears______very interestingA.is B.are C.were


1.the story the three bears______very interestingA.is B.are C.were
2.we decided_____the next dayA.gong for a ride B.to go for a ride C.going for rides
3.there is some waste paper on the floor.______pleaseA.pick upBpick up itCpick it up
4.once upon a time,there______an old fidherman near the seaAlives BlivedCliving
5.why is the child crying?--because he_____A.was lost Bis losing Cis lost
6.who is knocking_____the door?Aon B.atC.bothAandB
7.he is very strong and he can eat______at a timeAfour bowi or riceBfour bowls of riceCfour bowls of rices
8.after he finished _____the text,he had a restAto readBreadCreading

1--5 A B C B C
6--8 C B C