

P.S.如果哪位知道一些关于美国的文化也帮忙说一说 哪怕只是一点 用英语

1.English is an international language so that I want to learn authentic English in the pure environment of America.
2.Education system in America is very good and teachers always encourage students to create by themselves.Compared with the Chinese style in which teachers are always teaching around text books , I prefer the American one because it is more flexible.
3.There are hundreds of famous colleges in America and I could gain more chances to attend them after finishing my middle school study in America.
Americans are very outgoing and their life are at a very high speed.Their literature is translated to many different languages.Their paintings are standard for Modernism.Their carves are also well-known such as Augustus Saint-Gaudens.Not to say Disney movies are famous all over the world with its exciting plots and lastest tech.And American food are much influenced by the immagrants.等等,之类的,应该也不用说太多~~
日常生活的话,我觉得你可以这样说,Keep on study everyday, we can also find some time for ourselves to have fun等等.