

Offeror, a single Shareholder, offers to sell all, or part of his shares. The offer is accepted timely by one Offeree but not by all Offerees. The accepting Offeree does not agree within the sixty (60) day time limit to purchase all of the offered Stock. All Offerees, including the accepting Offeree, are obligated to sell and the Offeror is obligated to purchase pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement. If the Offeror’s offer was for all of his Stock, all Offerees are obligated to sell all of their Stock; if the Offeror’s offer was for a percentage less than 100% of his Stock, all Offerees are obligated to sell that same percentage of their Stock. In either case the Offeror is obligated to purchase such Stock subject to the provisions of the Agreement.

要约,一个单一股东,提供出售全部或部分的股份.提供及时接受一个要约,但不是所有Offerees .接受要约不同意在六十( 60 )天的时间限制购买所有提供股票.所有Offerees ,包括接受要约,有义务销售和要约也必须购买依照协...