

An Art teacher asks his students to draw pictures.They can draw anything they want.After a while,a boy hands in his pictcre.The teacher looks at it but sees nothing on the paper.
"What did you draw?"the teacher asks.
"But where is the grass?"the teacher asks again.
"The cow ate up the grass,"answers the boy.
"where is the cow?"
"when it ate up the grass ,it felt thirsty and went to drink water."
1.Who asks the student to draw pictures?
2.Can the students draw a house?
3.Can the teacher see anything on the boy's paper?
4.What does the boy say he drew?
5.What did the boy draw in fact(事实上)

1.Who asks the student to draw pictures?An Art teacher asks his students to draw pictures.2.Can the students draw a house?Sorry,i don't know.3.Can the teacher see anything on the boy's paper?No,she ca...