he didn't know __ waht the matter was what was the matter 请解答下到底选那个呢?


he didn't know __ waht the matter was what was the matter 请解答下到底选那个呢?
好无语,一般都是what the matter was 他不知道发生什么事了?不是这样的么。怎么会 whatwas the matter他不知道那个事是什么?各位解答下吧

选 waht the matter was
这是个宾语从句,后面接的是从句,从句应该用陈述语气可是答案是what was the matter ,我就搞不懂噢我错了,是what was the matter他是个特例不倒装及时修改,还好??是waht the matter was ??怎么特例那????what was the matter好无语,一般都是what the matter was 他不知道发生什么事了?不是这样的么。怎么会 whatwas the matter他不知道那个事是什么?各位解答下吧whatwas the matter是what is the matter的过去时态,是发生了什么事在并与从句中他是个特例,不到装再有问题Hi我吧,追问要财富值了