

Female:I've got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening.Why don't you come?
Male:Uh ...no,thanks.I ...I'm not very interested in volleyball.
Female:Oh,why not?Have you ever seen it played?
Male:No,I haven't,but I really don't th...
Female:That's what I thought.You don't know what you're missing.
Male:Don't Why?
Female:Because it's very fast,with lots of action.
Male:Really?Who's playing?
Female:Two of the best women's teams in the world,one from Finland and the other from Belgium.
Male:Hmm.It sounds exciting.
Female:Yes,it is!Very!
Male:Hmm.Well,perhaps I'll come after all.
Female:Good!Now ...uh ...could you ...uh ...could I have five pounds,please?
Male:Five pounds?What for?
Female:Your ticket,of course.I bought two of them in advance,hoping I'd persuade you to come with me.
Male:Oh ...uh ...You know,I've just remembered something.
Male:I've got to see some friends this evening.
Female:Oh ...I see ...I mean ...you won't be coming,after all,then?
Male:No,not unless...
Female:Unless what?
Male:Perhaps you could let me have the ticket for a bit less?Let's say three pounds.
Female:But you said you had to meet some friends!
Male:Come on.I was only joking.Here's your five pounds.Of course I'll come.
倒数第十行有句I've got to see some friends this evening,我想问问各位,为什么要用现在完成时,have got 如何理解,如何翻译

I've got to see是I have to see的意思
have got to do sth就是have to do sth.这是美语的口语表达方式.
比如:I've got to go now.
实际上就是I have to go now.