用以下这些词组帮我造句,要通俗易懂的.(初二英语) 1、inatead of 2.unl


用以下这些词组帮我造句,要通俗易懂的.(初二英语) 1、inatead of 2.unl
用以下这些词组帮我造句,要通俗易懂的.(初二英语) 1、inatead of 2.unless 3.as aoon as 4.so that 5.neither of

1 I had bread instead of noodles this morning.2
he won’t pass the exam unless he works hard.3 I will call you as soon as I get there.4she speaks loudly so that we can hear her clearly.5Neither of them is right. 他们俩都不对。能翻译下中文不?1 今天早上吃面包代替面条。2 他不会通过考试除非他努力学习。3我一到那里就给你打电话。4 她大声说以便我们能听清楚。