有这样的表达吗put right our wrong things


有这样的表达吗put right our wrong things
帮看看这两句话 是从范文中找来的 有疑问?
Most students waste their time chatting,playing computer games ,or even visiting ill websites.In my opinion,we students should put right our wrong doings and make full use of the Internet to improve our studies.
1.waste their time chatting 这里是不是省略了in啊waste their time(in) chatting?但有的人说不是,就是这样的,我很困惑啊?
2.we students should put rig htour wrong doings.当中的put right our wrong doings 有这样的表达的啊 我就觉得很不通顺啊?
我现在没什么分 所以没悬分 请见谅啊

2,省了from,put right from our wrong doings