

A new survey has showed that wearing glasses ages people by at least three years.The survey was done by the Loudon Vision Clinic.On average,glasses-wearers were put at 3.3years older than they actually were in the survey of 4000 people.Those who wear glasses were perceived to be older by respondents,who said they regarded them as more "geeky" and"good with computers"than people who do not wear them.And the perceived image was even worse for those aged 45 and over,who were thought to be 5 years older.The research was done by dividing the people into 2 groups.The first group was given 10 pictures of people with glasses and asked to guss thier ages and discuss their personal characteristics.The second group was given 10 pictures of the same people without glasses and asked the same questions.The results showed a difference in perceived ages but also found that those who wore glasses were a fifth less likely to be seen as confident and were more likely to be thought of as physically weaker.

一项新的调查关于戴眼镜至少三年的人.这项调查是由Loudon视力诊所,所研究的.他们的调查对象是平均在戴了3.3年或多过 眼镜的人他们实际上调查了4000人.那些认为是戴眼镜较久的受访者表示,他们认为他们比那些没戴眼镜的人更加的“另类”和“喜欢玩电脑(擅长电脑)”.而感知力更糟糕的是,对于那些45岁以上的人,他们会被认为是比别人多老了5岁.这项研究是分成2组的.第一组给予10张戴眼镜者的照片,并要求猜测他们的年龄和讨论他们的个人特征.第二组同样给予10张照片相同的人但没有戴眼镜,然后再问他们同样的问题.结果显示参与者猜测出不同的年龄,还发现那些人当中的5分之1戴着眼镜的人被视为没有自信,也更容易被认为是身体比较虚弱的.