

martin luther 95 theses 的第37条
37 Every true Christian,whether living or dead,has part in all the blessings of Christ and the Church; and this is granted him by God,even without letters of pardon.
中文 (37)任何活着或死了的真基督徒,即令没有赎罪票,也都分享基督和教会的一切恩惠,这些恩惠是上帝所赐的.
write a paragraph of 4 to 6 sentences which explains the thesis.
用自己的话(英文)把上面这句话解释一遍 至少4~6句话

That means you will have part in all the blessings of Christ and the Church as you are true Christian.And God only grant all his blessings to the man who deep believe in him and have kind heart in doi...