懂英语的来``要求:用there 做引导词,将下列句子译成英语.1 我们有足够的时间做作业.2 今天下午不开会.3 我有点肚子疼.4 大厅里有许多人看电视吗?5 哈好在那服装店里有我的一个亲戚.6 似乎机器有些故障.8月球上没有空气,上面怎么有生物呢?9 关于这个问题存在着不同的意见.


要求:用there 做引导词,将下列句子译成英语.
1 我们有足够的时间做作业.
2 今天下午不开会.
3 我有点肚子疼.
4 大厅里有许多人看电视吗?
5 哈好在那服装店里有我的一个亲戚.
6 似乎机器有些故障.
9 关于这个问题存在着不同的意见.

1. there's enough time for us to do the homework
2. there's no meeting this afternoon.
3. there's some pain in my stomach.
4. is there my people watching tv in the lobby?
5. There's a relative of mine in that clothing store.
6. there seems to be some trouble with the machine.
8. why are there life-forms on the moon now that there is no air there?
9. there exist different opinions on this problem.

There is enough time for us to do our homework.
There is no meeting this afternoon.
There is a pain on my stomach.
Are there many people watching TV in the hall?
There is just a relative of mine in that clothes shop.
There seems to be something wrong with the machine.
There is no air on the moon,in that way,how can creatures live there?
There are different opinions on the problem.

There is enough time for us to finish the homework.There will be no meeting this afternoon.There is a pain in my stomach.Are there many people who are watching TV in the hall?There is a relative of mi...

1.There is enough time for us to do our homework.
2.There isn't a meeting this afternoon.
3.There is something wrong with my stomach.
4.Are there many people watching TV in the hall ?
5.There is right a relative in that dress shop.
6.There seem something wrong with the machine.
8.There is no air on the moon,how would be creature there ?
9.There are different opinions on this matter.