分析名词+介词+which的语法结构,如the extent to which


分析名词+介词+which的语法结构,如the extent to which
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/ or examples that could be used to challenge your position.句子中的名词+介词+which结构分析.
这里可不可以把 response in which 里的in which 换成where,如果不能什么情况下可以?

in which引导定语从句 并在从句中作状语
可以换成where,但where没有in which具体这个介词有什么决定,是因为in the response,to the extent吗?这种语法叫什么?这个介词有时是根据动介词组 决定,有时是根据介词本身的含义决定,
本句是因为in the response,to the extent