

1.it hot here and getting hotter which is driving the brush making it all the more in cindery .
2.if prosecutor decide also to charge him with the murder of unborn child being carried by one of his victims .
3.the usa has charged the military officer accused of carrying out mass shooting . 

which 後的东西是什麽意思? drive the brush make it all the more 是什麽?
复合句,有点乱.不知道怎样翻译.还有,decide also to charge 的also 是什麽意思? 求详解此句
不明白一句裏面为什麽可以出现charge 和accuse of .求解说和翻译

这一句的确很乱.如果不是抄录时的错误,也是说话时紧张和混乱的记录.试着整理一下:it‘s hot here and getting hotter,which is driving the brush and making it all the more in cindery.翻译过来就是“这里...

  1.   "driving the brush" =   火势沿着灌木丛燃烧  这是一个句型吗?    " making it all the more in cindery"  make it all the more 是指使得自己在变得更多?

  2. "being carried by one of his victims ." 这句是修饰什麽的?

  3. 请问有什麽方法看出是後置定语修饰的?


  1. 这不是一个固定句型,只是中文翻译而已。翻译是要根据上下文的内容,然后根据中文表达习惯来措辞的。making it all the more in cindery 在这里的意思是 making more of the brush into ashes(把更多的灌木烧成灰)。it 指代 brush,all 在口语中作强调语气词用,并非指“所有的”。

  2. being carried ... 是现在分词的被动式短语作后置定语修饰 unborn child。原句是: unborn child (that was) being carried by one of his victims。

  3. 通常作后置定语的分词短语,包括现在分词(主动语态)和过去分词(被动语态),是定语从句的省略。见上面的分析解释。