

There are many myths about sleepwalkers.One of the most common is the idea that it’s dangerous or even fatal to waken a sleepwalker abruptly.Experts say that the shock suffered by a sleepwalker suddenly awakened is no greater than that suffered in waking up to the noise of an alarm clock.Another mistaken belief is that sleepwalkers are immune to injury.Actually most sleepwalkers trip over rugs or bump their heads on doors at some time or other.
What are the chances of a sleepwalker committing a murder or doing something else extraordinary in his sleep?Some cases of this have been reported,but they very rarely happen.Of course the few cases that are reported receive a great deal of publicity.Dr.Teplitz says,“Most people have such great inhibitions against murder or violence that they would awaken—if someone didn’t waken them.Sleepwalking itself is dramatic…sleepwalkers can always find an audience.I think that some of their tall tales get exaggerated in the telling.” In her own file of case histories,there is not one sleepwalker who ever got beyond his own front door.
