

Dear students
I was pleased to read your letters.I realized right away that you had faced some difficult problems.You all seem to be very honest.However,you hesitated and showed a lack of courage in these unexpected situations.This is why you all fell guilty.
I would like to share with you my views on these cases.
In the case of the flower pot,your friend should go to the police and tell them the truth.You must persuade her to do this.That is the best wat to make things right.
In the case of the three strong boys,you can try contacting the police at the underground station.Maybe they can watch for these boys and stop them before they hurt someone else.
In the case of the rude checkout assistant,the money does not belong to you--it belongs to the supermarket.You need to go to the supermarket manager and reture the 20 yuan.
I regret to say it is not always easy to do the tight thing.However,it is not right to let others suffer because of our mistakes.You all seem to be good students,so I am sure you will do the right thing.
If you have any questions or need any more advice,you can visit me in my office
Thanks for your letters.
Ms Robbins,School Counsellor.
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