it was on the day when we had our english evening last week that we first me为什么用when


it was on the day when we had our english evening last week that we first me

visit 去拜访我的亲戚 than hotter作比较级,故后填than arriving 抵达某地-Can you go to the concert on Monday? -When is it? -It’s at

when we had our english evening last week 是个定语从句,修饰前面的day,从句缺时间状语on the day。强调句式的that在后面

it was on the day when we had our english evening last week that we first me
when we had our english evening last week 是定语从句 修饰先行词day
it was (on the day when we had our english evening last week )that (we first me)
就是 ……我们……
用when是因为we had our english evening last week本身是主谓宾结构 句子成分完整 只缺少时间状语 所以用when