Do you know if the two writers [ ] here tomorrow?I am not sure.If they [ ],I'll ring you up.A:will;arrive B:get;arrive C:will get;will arrive D:get:will arrive


Do you know if the two writers [ ] here tomorrow?I am not sure.If they [ ],I'll ring you up.A:will;arrive B:get;arrive C:will get;will arrive D:get:will arrive

前面是宾语从句,你只管看 if the writers**here tomorrow. 这明显是一个将来时,有将来时间状语 tomorrow。故第一空填will get;第二空是表示对将来情况的假设,假设你站在将来的某个时间点上时,将来就成为现在了,所以用现在时。我以前就是这么理解的,希望对你有所帮助

所以填will get 和 arrive,答案有问题。

Do you know if the two writers [ will get ] here tomorrow?
I am not sure.If they [ arrive ],I'll ring you up.
第一句对将来要发生的事进行提问,明天那两个作家会来吗?will可以表示将来,get here意为“到这里,来这里”
第二句也是在谈将来发生的事情,不过是假设句:如果他们来了,我会给你打电话.主句是I'll ring you up,从句是由if引导的If they arrive.在表示将来的句子中,如果主句用了will表将来,则从句的时态均用一般现在时,即arrive