请英语达人帮助解析一个句子,Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一讲吧,


Of anywhere in the United States,it is in the Southern Coastlands that climate has the greatest impact on human geography.这个句子里好像用了强调结构,很少见到Of开头的句子啊,请达人讲一讲吧,

你说的强调结构,很对.区别强调结构的方法:将强调部分去掉,原句句子成立.反之,则不是强调句结构.将你的句子试一下:...in the Southern Coastlands climate has the greatest impact on human geography.原句句子得...