把直接引语改为间接引语和翻译间接引语:1."The man didnot make a telephone call just now,"I think2"Have you ever been to beijing?"the girl asked me3“What is wrong with you?”my mother asked me4“How can Iget to the hospital?”I donnot know翻译在家具店和书店之间有一个杂货店,而百货店在杂货店后面There is a.


1."The man didnot make a telephone call just now,"I think
2"Have you ever been to beijing?"the girl asked me
3“What is wrong with you?”my mother asked me
4“How can Iget to the hospital?”I donnot know
There is a.

1.i didn't think the man made a telephone call just now.2.the girl asked me whether i had ever been to beijing.3.my mother asked me what was wrong with me.4.i don't know how to get to the hospital.the...