英语高手进,帮我看看文章大致意思(3)1.People seldom feel the same about poetry.Those who love it sometimes give the impression that it is an adequate substitute for food,for shelter,and love.It isn’t.Words,no matter how satisfying,are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences.Those who dislike poetry on principle sometimes calm,on the other hand,that poetry is only words and good for nothing.That’s not true either.It is easy to become frustrated by


1.People seldom feel the same about poetry.Those who love it sometimes give the impression that it is an adequate substitute for food,for shelter,and love.It isn’t.Words,no matter how satisfying,are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences.Those who dislike poetry on principle sometimes calm,on the other hand,that poetry is only words and good for nothing.That’s not true either.It is easy to become frustrated by words – in poetry or in life – but when words represent and recreate genuine human feelings,as they often do in poetry,they can be very important.Poetry is,in fact,more than just words.It is an experience of life,their sense of what other people are like,their awareness of themselves,and their range of human feelings.One reason that poetry can be so important is that it is so closely concerned with feelings.
Poetry is often full of ideas,too,and sometimes poems can be powerful experiences of the mind,but most poems are primarily about how people feel rather than how people think.Poems provide,in fact,a language for feeling,and one of poetry’s most insistent merits involves its attempt to express the inexpressible.How can anyone,for example,put into words what it means to be in love or what it feels like to lose someone who cares about?Poetry tries,and it often captures exactly the shade of emotion that feels just right to a reader.No single poem can said to express all the things that love or death feels like,or means,but one of the joys of experiencing poetry occurs when we read a poem and want to say,“Yes,that is just what it is like; I know exactly what that line means but I’ve never been able to express it so well.” Poetry can be the voice of our feelings even when our minds are speechless with grief or joy.

诗歌往往是充满想法,而且有时诗可以强大的经验,头脑,但大多数人的诗,主要是关于如何人都觉得,而非如何人认为。诗的提供,事实上,语言的感觉,而其中一个诗歌的最坚持的优点,涉及企图表达inexpressible 。如何任何人都可以,举例来说,投入的话是什么意思要在爱情或什么感觉就像失去某人谁关心?诗歌的尝试,而且往往正是抓住了树荫下的情绪感觉恰恰好,以一个读者。没有一个单一的诗可以说,表示所有的事情,爱或死亡的感觉就像,或手段,但其中的乐趣经历了诗歌发生时,我们读到了一首诗,和想说的话: “是的,这是什么,这是想;我知道究竟该行的手段,但我一直无法表达它这么好。 “诗可以的声音,我们的感情,甚至当我们的头脑是无言以对悲伤或喜悦。

诗歌往往是充满想法,而且有时诗可以强大的经验,头脑,但大多数人的诗,主要是关于如何人都觉得,而非如何人认为。诗的提供,事实上,语言的感觉,而其中一个诗歌的最坚持的优点,涉及企图表达inexpressible 。如何任何人都可以,举例来说,投入的话是什么意思要在爱情或什么感觉就像失去某人谁关心?诗歌的尝试,而且往往正是抓住了树荫下的情绪感觉恰恰好,以一个读者。没有一个单一的诗可以说,表示所有的事情,爱或死亡的感觉就像,或手段,但其中的乐趣经历了发生时,我们读到了一首诗,: “是的,这是什么,这是想;我知道究竟该行的手段,但我一直无法表达它这么好。 “诗可以的声音,我们的感情,甚至当我们的头脑是无言以对悲伤或喜悦。


76. “People seldom feel the same about poetry” (in Para. 1) in this context means that ______.
A. few people think that poetry is neutral
B. people always differ in their views about poetry
C. people rarely take a biased opinion about poetry
D. people generally think of poetry as extreme importance or total uselessness
77. The author suggests that ______.
A. poetry tends to make the reader disappointed B. poetry makes its readers sentimental
C. poetry is more important than words D. poetry often captures real human feelings
78. Poetry tries, persistently, to express ______.
A. what love and death mean B. what people think about themselves
C. what people feel but find it hard to describe D. how people go through life
79. This passage is mainly about ______.
A. the structure of poetry B. the components of poetry
C. the nature and importance of poetry D. the appreciation of poetry