英语翻译it had been a decade and a half since the breakup of AT ﹠ T,yet it is still by far the largest long distance provider even while other phone companies offer $ 50 worth of free service for switching.More than ever,it pays to change services and brands.


it had been a decade and a half since the breakup of AT ﹠ T,yet it is still by far the largest long distance provider even while other phone companies offer $ 50 worth of free service for switching.More than ever,it pays to change services and brands.



翻译如下:美国AT&T公司已经分拆15年了,但是它仍然是迄今为止最大的长途通话供应和服务商,即使在其他电话公司以每月50美元全包来诱惑客户转业务的情况下.业务转型和品牌变更的好处在此时被尤为突显出来.*decade 表示...