1、They waited and waited for something__to happen.A.excite b.excited C.exciting D to excite2.Let's ___play in the street(街道).Father tells(告诉)me__do so.A.not to; not to B.not; not to C.don't; to not D.not to; don't3.-----Can you tell me ___?-----She is in the computer lab .A.where Linda was B.where is Linda C.where was Linda D.where Linda is4.----___do you want___for a party?----Let's ask Peter for advice.He know all the parks in this city.A.What;to bu


1、They waited and waited for something__to happen.
A.excite b.excited C.exciting D to excite
2.Let's ___play in the street(街道).Father tells(告诉)me__do so.
A.not to; not to B.not; not to C.don't; to not D.not to; don't
3.-----Can you tell me ___?
-----She is in the computer lab .
A.where Linda was B.where is Linda C.where was Linda D.where Linda is
4.----___do you want___for a party?
----Let's ask Peter for advice.He know all the parks in this city.
A.What;to buy B.Where; to go C.How; to start




J=jerry E=emily J:Hello,emily___where did you go on the vacation?__ E:I went to LonDon with my parents on the vacation J:Really._Do_

1、 C他们等待一些令人激动的事发生2、 B不要再街道上玩,爸爸告诉我不要那样做,let not do sth和 tell sb not to do sth3、D从句用陈述语序,你可以告诉我琳达在哪吗?-她在实验室.(用现在时态)4、B-你想去哪开聚会-...