1.我的工作有点忙,但很刺激My work _____ _____ _____ busy,but very _____.2.你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为很可爱._____ do you like _____?_____ _____ cute.3.兴庆公园是一个娱乐的好地方.Xingqing park is a good _____ _____ _____ _____.4.我们有一份老师的工作提供给你.We have a _____ for you _____ a teacher.5.让我告诉你去医院的路.Let _____ tell you _____ _____ _____ the hospital.6.What does she do?(改为同义句)____ is _____ _____?7.The pay phone is next to the library.(用next to the library提问)_____ _____ the pay phone?8.There are some h


My work _____ _____ _____ busy,but very _____.
_____ do you like _____?_____ _____ cute.
Xingqing park is a good _____ _____ _____ _____.
We have a _____ for you _____ a teacher.
Let _____ tell you _____ _____ _____ the hospital.
6.What does she do?(改为同义句)
____ is _____ _____?
7.The pay phone is next to the library.(用next to the library提问)
_____ _____ the pay phone?
8.There are some hotels on Jiefang Road.(改为一般疑问句)
_____ _____ _____ hotals on Jiefang Road?
10.She wants to be a teacher because she likes kids.(用because she likes kids 提问)
_____ _____ she _____ to be a teacher?

1.is a bit exciting
2.Why pandas Because it's
3.place to have fun
4.job as
5.me the way to
6.What her job
7.Where is
8.Are there any
9.I want a job busy but exciting
10.Why does want