


May:hi june,its been long time,i saw you.
june:hi may,ya.i'm been busy lately.i'm busy with me final year report.and i'm very stress about my report,as it will affect my final examination grades.
May:great!so have you done your report?if not,i won't be seeing u here.
June:nope.i have not complete my report yet.i find that i couldn't get to sleep lately and my hair is like dropping fast.i'm jus walking around.
May:could it be,you are to stress with your school work?be keep in mind that,health is important too.maybe you could try to relax yourself more.or maybe you can talk to me,share your problem with me.i might be able to help you.
jane:thanks May,you are good friend.i'll try to control my emotion.
MAy:ya..just try to relax yourself.remember not to give yourself too much stress..
June:ok.i will.thanks.i contact you soon.bye