英语翻译麻烦把一下英语中存在的错误改正,润色I choose the museums to be my project for better understanding the aboriginal cultures from the fountainhead.Sofar as what I know is that we still cannot go back physically,which means that yet we cannot directly see what happened before.Even just a few years can makea big difference in the life of a nation,how about eight or nine centuries?Well,however,museums are good places to collect history for us.It will present ata logical


I choose the museums to be my project for better understanding the aboriginal cultures from the fountainhead.Sofar as what I know is that we still cannot go back physically,which means that yet we cannot directly see what happened before.Even just a few years can makea big difference in the life of a nation,how about eight or nine centuries?Well,however,museums are good places to collect history for us.It will present ata logical order so that we may to see what’s really going on in the longprocess of history we did not take part in.
Creative thinkers throughout human history have developed diverse viewpoint of studyingthe world.Various historians might offer their diverse perspectives as historyunfolds before us,which may affect our idea of that period.Nevertheless,museumswill present in an objective,balanced way.In comparing with other method,museums are more like analyzing not evaluating.As results,we could see through the fog to observe a clearpicture.
“Museum attendance is most popular in Quebec for those between 30 and 60 years of ages.Just overone-quarter (28.7%) of Quebec residents under 30 visited a museum.” 2 Andin Canada (1998 data),the attendance at human history and community museums isonly (11.9%).According to the data,we should appeal teenagers to go to themuseum,because teenagers are the base of a country,is necessary for them tobe aware of aboriginal history.
In my project,I’m going to make a brief introduction of several museums in Quebec.The best way to do it is go down there and gather information from the visit.Thisis one method will mostly be used for doing my project.That I can direct perceive the information bypersonal.And I will also use some reliable database and article online to make rich contents on museums.里面有一些单词不知道为什么复制的时候空格不见了....