英语翻译Not long ago I wasn’t doing very well in exams and Iwas full of disappointment and negative thinking .While on the lnternet ,Imet many new friends ,but one in partieular stood out His nickname is Colorful Day and we chatted on tne Wod .He told me :ne lost his eyesight at age 15 ,and the whole world had closed its door to him .He was typing so fast that I couldn ‘ t believe he was blnid!But he continued to write :Five years ago ,I re alized it was


Not long ago I wasn’t doing very well in exams and Iwas full of disappointment and
negative thinking .While on the lnternet ,Imet many new friends ,but one in partieular stood out His nickname is Colorful Day and we chatted on tne Wod .He told me :ne lost his eyesight at age 15 ,and the whole world had closed its door to him .
He was typing so fast that I couldn ‘ t believe he was blnid!But he continued to write :Five years ago ,I re alized it was time to change my life .I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and hardships .So Ideveloped a website about her life as well as mine called Three Days to See .
I vislted his wedsite which was well produced and vividly presented .
Iasked ,“How did you manage to build such a wehsite?” he said ,“Owing to the new technology ,I can use soltware specially designed for the blind .
Wherever I point the cursor ( 光标 ) ,it will just read it out to me .We can do iar more things and access more information than we could defore ,”
I then asked ,“Didn’ t you have great diffieculty with it?”
He hesitated and then began his words with a smilihgface ,” Yes,but I have faith in myself to create my colorlul day .And modern technology grves me this opportunity to do it .”
His optimistic attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers not the cup of despair ,but the chalice ( 大杯 ) of opportunity ,I returned to my lessons ,and this time with a smile oh rny face and with expectations of a colorful future .
The Internet ,which opened to me to experience different lives and cultures,has a charm you couldn’ t find in another wise non-vntual world..