if n is a positive integer,what is the remainder when 3^(8n+3) + 2 is divided by a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3 e.4need detailed explanation!thx


if n is a positive integer,what is the remainder when 3^(8n+3) + 2 is divided by
a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3 e.4
need detailed explanation!thx


3^1 3^2 3^3 3^4
3^5 3^6 3^7 3^8
个位数3 9 7 1

2、随着3的次方变化,以个位数“3 9 7 1”循环,8n+3究竟能做4的几次循环呢?
8n+3除以4=2n……3, 会移动到第三个数,即以7结尾

3、所以3^8n+3 的个位数为7,加上2,即9,除以5,余数为4

如果N是正整数,当3^(8n+3) + 2 被5整除的余数是多少?
8n+3 when divided by 4 gives a remainder of 3.
Since powers of 3 make cycles of 4 i.e.3,9,27,81,..3,..9,..7,..1,..3
so 38n+3 will have 7 at the units place.
when 2 is added we get 9 at the units place.
Thus when divided by 5 we get 4 as remainder.