1/3One third,2/3就是two thirds
- 标点符号换位置,改变原意思!列如:1.你赞成,我不赞成!2.你赞成我?不赞成!3.你赞成我不?赞成!请帮我用“下雨天留客,天留,我不留.”“大米不买给八路军.”“这样行不行?”接着各写两句,
- 英语翻译请翻译一下下面的说明书,这是一个比色仪的英文说明书.1.fill the cuvet with 10ml of unreacted sample up to the mark and replace the cap .2.place the cuvet into the holder and ensure that the notch on the cap is positioned securely into the groove .3.Press ZERO and “sip” will appear on the display.4.Wait for a few seconds and the display will show “-0.0-”.Now the meter is zeroed and ready for measurement.5.remove the cuvet.6.add the content of one packet of HL 93701 DPD reage
- 英语翻译Figure 1:The conduction system of the heart 2.Figure 2:Experimental setup.Refer to Figure 4 for a zoomed in picture of the recording region.Figure 3:Pulse-echo of the 540kHz transducer off a flat air/water interface
- 1、登一座山,上山时每分钟行50米,到山顶后沿原路下山每分钟行90米,若上山所需时间比下山多400分钟,则这条山路有多少千米?2、甲、乙两人从A地出发,如果甲先走1消失,乙从后面追赶X小时后,刚好在B地追上甲,则甲走了多少小时?若甲的速度是6千米/时,乙的速度是8千米/时,则可列出的方程是_________?(用方程解答)3、轮船在两码头之间航行,顺水速度为a千米/时,逆水速度为b千米/时,则水流速度是多少千米/时?4、汽车以每小时72km的速度笔直的开向寂静的山谷,驾驶员按一声喇叭,4s后听到回想,已知声音在空气中的传播速度是340m/s,听到回响时汽车离山谷的距离是多少米?不懂。请用方程解答
- 一篇英语作业```请懂的帮我解答``谢谢了.You are writing a letter of congratulation to the boy in the passage of Exercise 5.The following are groups of words you would like to say to him1 your high grade,congratulations,inmath,on!2 this term,were not .your cfforts,in vain.3 in all subjects,have you,trying to get an “A”,thought about?4 you,nothing,is,put,impossble,into,it,your heart,if.5even greater,in the future,you,wish!本人英语稀烂```希望有好心人能帮下我```好象写篇作文要包含这5段话里面的单词吧````真心求助
- 1.圆锥的母线长为L,高为1/2L,则过圆锥顶点的最大截面的面积是( )2.用两个平行平面截半径为5的球,所得圆面的周长分别为6π和8π,则这两个截面之间的距离为____3.将一个边长为10的大正方体的表面涂成红色后,再切成边长为1的小正方体,这些小正方体中至少有一面涂成红色的个数是4.长方体的表面积是22.所得棱长的和为24,则对角线长为________5.用一个平行于圆锥底面的平面截这个圆锥,截得的这个圆台上、下底面的半径是1:4.,截去的圆锥的母线长为3cm,求截得的圆台的母线长.
- 2007年10月24日18时我国在四川省西昌卫星发射中心用“长征三号甲”运载火箭将“嫦娥一号”探月卫星成功送入太空,经过长途飞行后,“嫦娥一号”最终准确进入月球圆轨道,“嫦娥工程”是我国航天深空探测零的突破.已知“嫦娥一号”的质量为 m,在距月球表面高度为h的圆形轨道上绕月球做匀速圆周运动.月球的半径约为R,万有引力常量为G,月球的质量为M,忽略地球对“嫦娥一号”的引力作用.求:(1)“嫦娥一号”绕月球做匀速圆周运动的向心加速度的大小;(2)“嫦娥一号”绕月球做匀速圆周运动的线速度的大小.(3)如果运行一段时间后,“嫦娥一号”的轨道高度有少量下降,那么它的向心加速度和线速度大小如何变化?
- 长为1宽为1高为1的立方体 英语怎么说?
- 高中英语(有分)改错,只有一个是对的.You know how pleased it is to receive a letter from a 1.____ friend of yours,and how much eagerly you open and 2.____ read it.Reading friendly letters are always an enjoyable 3.____ thing.As a matter of a fact,it is a way to visit those 4.____ friends and places which we usually can not talk with 5.____ and see them every day.When writing a letter,think 6.____ about the person to whom you are writing.What would 7.____ he like to kno
- 英语翻译1.the forbidden city 2.the three gorges3.the bund 4.shanghai botanial gardens
- "一份好的工作换一点好的心情"用英语怎么说
- 梦想不会永远只是梦想用英语怎么说如题