英语疑问!明天期中考试!What are so many people going to big cities for?_____good jobs.A Find B To find C Finding D For to find这道题为什么选B不选C?For what回答不要用ING形式吗


What are so many people going to big cities for?
_____good jobs.
A Find B To find C Finding D For to find
For what回答不要用ING形式吗

回答“目的、用途”,可以用for,但后面要加名词,不用for doing(除非在固定搭配中);如果后面是动词,要用不定式to do形式.

如:可以说:He went to the cinema for the tickets.
He went to the cinema to buy the tickects.
不能说:He went to the cinema for buying the tickets.
但是在固定搭配中可以用for doing的结构:The boy was praised for helping to clean the room.