英语翻译【摘要】亲社会行为在人类高度社会化的生活中至关重要,这种行为是对社会有益的.影响亲社会行为的因素很多.本文依据众多心理学者对儿童亲社会行为动机的研究结果论述了亲社会行为影响因素中具体的7种类别;各种儿童亲社会行为动机理论是如何阐述动机对行为的作用,例如:相互作用理论、决策理论;艾森伯格的亲社会行为启发式模型解释了儿童亲社会行为的产生存在一个循环往复发展阶段模型;儿童亲社会行为动机的相关研究和发展趋势.【关键词】 儿童;动机;亲社会行为不能用软件翻译,前一稿我就是用软件翻译的 被导师批了


【关键词】 儿童;动机;亲社会行为
不能用软件翻译,前一稿我就是用软件翻译的 被导师批了

pro-social behavior in human social life is essential, such behavior is socially useful. Factors that affect a lot of pro-social behavior. This according to many psychologists pro-social behavior on children's study discusses the motivation for pro-social behavior factors in seven specific categories; variety of children's pro-social behavior motivation motivation theory is how to explain the role of behavior, such as: interaction theory , decision theory; Eisenberg pro-social behavior heuristic model to explain the generation of pro-social behavior of children there is an iterative development stage model; children pro-social motives related research and development trends.

【 abstract 】 prosocial behaviors in the human height of socialization is of vital importance to the life, this kind of behavior is useful to the society. Influence of prosocial behaviors many factors. Based on many psychological scholar of children prosocial behaviors motivation the results of the study, discusses the factors affecting prosocial behaviors in seven types of specific; All kinds of children prosocial behaviors motivation theory is expounded on how to act the role of motivation, for example: interaction theory, decision theory; Eisenberg prosocial behaviors of heuristic model explains the children prosocial behaviors of existing produced a recycle stage of development model. Children prosocial behaviors related research and development the motive of the trend.
【 key words 】 children; Motivation; Prosocial behaviors

Abstract:Pro-social behavior plays a very important role in the highly socialized life of human beings,which is beneficial to the society.There are many factors influencing the pro-social behavior.This paper states 7 concrete factors influencing the pro-social behaviors based on the result of the study in the motivation of childern's pro-social behaviors by lots of psychologists and expounds the effect of motivation on behavior in the motivation theories of all kinds of childern's pre-social behaviors,such as,Interaction Theory,Theory Of Decision Making; the heuristic model of Eisenberg's pro-social behavior explains that there has been a circulating development model on the generation of childern's pro-social behaviors; relevant studies and development tendency of the motivation of childern's pro-social behaviors.
Key words:childern; motivation; pro-social behavior

Abstract highly pro-social behavior in human social life is essential, such behavior is socially useful. Factors that affect a lot of pro-social behavior. This according to many psychologists pro-social behavior on children's study discusses the motivation for pro-social behavior factors in seven specific categories; variety of children's pro-social behavior motivation motivation theory is how to explain the role of behavior, such as: interaction theory , decision theory; Eisenberg pro-social behavior heuristic model to explain the generation of pro-social behavior of children there is an iterative development stage model; children pro-social motives related research and development trends.
Key words children; motivation; pro-social behavior