英语翻译education reform still a long way to go in chinaYANTAI,Shandong一 Vice-Premier Li Langing yesterday reiterated the importanceolity-oriented education in China’s primary and middle schools and urged‘distinctivgress' in the sector by the end of the century.Li also outlined that comprehensive reform measures will be geared to promote qualitnted education in the country’s basic education,which has long been dominated bam-oriented education.’China’s bas


education reform still a long way to go in china
YANTAI,Shandong一 Vice-Premier Li Langing yesterday reiterated the importanceolity-oriented education in China’s primary and middle schools and urged‘distinctivgress' in the sector by the end of the century.
Li also outlined that comprehensive reform measures will be geared to promote qualitnted education in the country’s basic education,which has long been dominated bam-oriented education.’
China’s basic education,especially the nine-year compulsory education,is aimed ating the quality of its people,’Li emphasized at an ongoing national conference in thistal city in East China's Shandong Province.
The conference,which opened on Tuesday and was to conclude today,is being held todiscuss issues how to further improve quality-oriented education in primary and middle schools across
‘It has become an urgent task and an important measure to fortify quality-orientedcation,’said Vice-Premier Li,who is in charge of education.
Li criticized‘exam-oriented education,’which focuses on helping students pass certain selective examinations,saying it is harmful to the growth of the students and is notducive to training highly qualified professionals.
According to Li,a number of comprehensive reform measures will be introduced inna's basic education sector in the next few years,
Among primary and middle schools that undertake the nine-year compulsory education,re will be no key schools,Li said,adding that the fresh move is to improve the educationlity of schools as a whole.
Qualified principals and teachers will be assigned to schools with incompetent faculties,and
some excellent staff from government organizations will be chosen to work in the school as well.
Li continued that it is necessary to make the present school entrance examination system more scientific.
Selective examinations will be eliminated during the nine-year compulsory educationiod period.Primary school students will enter junior middle schools close to their homes,whileior middle school students will enter high school on a relatively selective basis,that is according to the given amount and percentage of enrolled students to their previous schools.