brave and courageous 都是勇敢的意思,用法有什么不同


brave and courageous 都是勇敢的意思,用法有什么不同
这句话为什么用了两个勇敢?Good fortune favors the brave and courageous.好运总是眷顾那些勇敢的人。

A:brave:勇敢的; 先天勇气.内在.外表不明确:
1.Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver
2.Brave people who dare to challenge the tyrannical regimes
3.You're very brave; 4.It was brave of him to fight such an enemy.
B.courageous:有胆量的; 内在的力量明确地表现出来:
1.The courageous soldier helped the civilians escape from the enemy.
2.She is clearly a very tough and courageous woman.