ASK1:The table shows the different data about australia Nursing employment rate and total workforce in 1989 and 2001:(除了百分比外数字只是例子)
employment number (1981) enployment number(2001) change(%)
Director of Nursing 700 2700 385.7%
Senior Nurses 18300 21000 27%
Junior Nurses 413443 237462 -40%
Assistant of Nurses 343778 234372 -5%
Total Nurse Employment 431433434 32432443 20%
All the workfore in AU 343432143124 41341324114 43%
TASK2:The international trade has made it possible to transport many goods such as daily necessities to other countries.Such goods are ususally transported a long distance.Do you think if its benefits overweigh the drawbacks?