

How Americans eat is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork.But how to use the fork is very important.When you have the dinner with Americans,if you hold a knife in your right hand longer than a few seconds(秒),they will think you have bad table manners.
If you must use a knife,you should take the fork in your left hand,and cut with it in your right hand.Then you put the knife down,take the fork with your right hand,and then put the food in your mouth.This is clearly funny,but it is good manners in America.
You will see there are always one knife and two forks on the table when you visit your American friends.The outside fork is for the dinner.The inside fork is for the desserts(甜点).The knife is for cutting the meat.The spoon by your dessert is for coffee.

美国人吃东西很有趣.他们吃所有的东西几乎都用叉子.但是如何去使用叉子是非常重要的.当你和美国人一起吃晚餐,如果你握刀在你右手中超过几秒钟,他们会认为你有坏的餐桌礼仪.  如果你必须使用一把刀,你应该把叉子放...