

1.It's a fine day today.
2.He can play the piano.
3.Mr.li isn't reading books now.
4.There are lots of photos on the table.
5.Her father daesn't work in a hospital.
6.Look at the books.
7.They never visit the Big Ben.
8.Tony will go online this evening.
9.The twins don't come from the USA.
10.The twins don't got any sisters or brothers.
11.Let's go to the zoo.
12.The children are playing games on the playground.
13.There is nothing in the box.
14.Her mother won't do the shopping this Sunday.
15.The man works very hard.

isn't it
can't he
is he
aren't there
does he
will you
did they
won't he
do they
shall we
aren't they
is there
will she
doesn't he