--------these pictures ,I rememberec those days when i was in shenyany ----from the top of a tall


--------these pictures ,I rememberec those days when i was in shenyany ----from the top of a tall
building,shenyang looks more beautiful.
seeing,seen b.seen,seeing c.seeing,seeing d.seen,seen
完整的问题是:---------these pictures ,I rememberec those days when I was in shenyany,-----from the top of a tall building shenyang looks more beautiful.

A 第一句话主语是I ,看照片是我主动看,所以用ing
第二句主语是shenyang ,它从建筑物的顶上看非常漂亮.它是被看,所以用过去分词ed形式,see 的过去分词是seen