Dear Mom,
I haven't written many letters to you before,as we've almost always been able to pick tp the phone and have a chat,so it's hard to know how to start.
We all miss you and hope you're all right wherever you are .
when you left us,it took a little while for it to sink in that I wotld never see you again.I guess it was a bit like you being away on a trip or those times when we didn't find the time to even speak on the phone for a week or so.
I realize now there are too many things left unsaid—as everyone always says—and too many questions unasked.Silly thing really,Like yesterday,when I was doing my washing,I wondered how you felt when you got your first automatic washing machine,I can still remember the old machine you had when I was a child.Though,I guess I know the answers to most of the important things about you.