The bag can be carried by hand or on the arm,Perfect design and nice quality handbag in most marketplace,It is 100%brand new&never been used This is a good gift for your friends and sister.If you like it .please don't miss it!Happy bidding outside without damage,rips or scratches.Comes with its original dust bag.Even more gorgeous than the photo.Shipping method :Via EMS 3-7days(to worldwide)
(_(If you buy more than one item .the shipping cost will be combine .I will do my endeavor to economize your payment.So the total price will be very low.
We sill send the package within 24 hours after payment received.I accept following payment method:
DHgate.If you want to know more details about the payment method,you can ask for DHgate for help.Wish you have a good luck!
此包可以通过手或手臂来提,在大多数市场中它是拥有最完美的设计和好的质量的手提袋.是100%从未被利用的新款,可以做为一个很好的礼物送给你的朋友和姐妹.如果你喜欢它.请千万不要错过!快乐招标以外不受损坏,撕裂或擦伤等.而且它有着华丽的图片.运送方式:使用EMS3- 7天(全世界).
(如果您购买不止一件产品.航运成本我们将合并计算 .我将尽我最大的努力节约你的付款.这样,价格将会变得很低.