

Example:"The doctor has given me some medicine," the girl told her mother.
Answer:The girl told her mother that the doctor had given her some medicine.
1."The postman will collect the letters in the afternoon,"she reminded me.
2.The teacher said,"We have sent a telegram to your parents."
3."The girls are sending their teacher some flowers for her birthday,"the parents told me.
4.The teacher told us,"You must bring your reports when you come back."
5.She said to the old lady,"I'll fetch a cushion for you to sit on."
6."Detective stories don't interest Ann and me,"the man told me.
7.She assured me,"Ms.Brown plays the piano beautifully."
8."I have never heard such nonsense in all my life,"said the old man.
9."This is the man I saw at the scene of teh crime,"the witness affirmed.
10."I will do everything I can to help you,"she promised.

1She reminded me that t he postman wouldcollect the letters in the afternoon, 2.The teacher told us that theyhad sent a telegram to our parents. 3.The parents told me...